Monday, April 17, 2006

Updates - 17 Apr

Almost the whole market tanked today. My current trades have mixed results. I am quite bearish on the overall market.

BZH - closed my sold leg Apr45 Put for some profit. Housing starts and permits announcement tomm. I rather lock-in my profit. Housing stocks can sometimes work im weird ways. Anyway, the stochastics and RSI showed that the stock is about to reverse. DHI earnings tomm might also affect the overall Housing stocks.

CEPH - reported that the sales and revenue from the Vivitrol had been included in the company estimates. It had only moderate impact on the stock. This is my signal to close my position. As the market tanked, I do not wish hold many long positions. Closed my Bull Put credit spread for $50 profit (b4 comm) - played only on last Thurs .

PALM - My May $22.50 Put (bgt out-of-money) are back in positive territory.

AAPL - My negative territory worsen. Could have converted my straight Call into a spread. Somehow, I am quite reluctant. Let see what happpen tomm. Instead, I played a Bull Put credit spread April $65/$60 (in-the-moeny) for $105.

Stocks I am monitoring - RIMM and AMD.

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