Monday, October 20, 2008

Singapore Stock Market

I am now looking at investing my CPF funds in the Singapore stock market. The Singapore market can go down further and I want it to go down further. Then I will start picking up the blue chips stocks.

Intended holding period for my CPF investments would be 3-7 yrs. Target returns 100% to 300%. Target might be more depending on how low I pick up the stocks. For my CPF funds, I typically invest, as I do not have time to monitor it. For my cash funds, I trade.

While Temasek and GIC targets a single digit returns per annum for their long term investment, I targets more than 20% per annum for my CPF investment. I typically gets more. The trick is to cash out when the market gets too hot (I did cashed out most of my positions before the November dip last year) and buy into the market when most people are fearful.

As Warren Buffet said, " Be fearful when others are greedy, and Be greedy when others are fearful" .

PersianCat (Millionaire-in-progress)

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