Monday, October 20, 2008

Learn From Black October

Intially, I wanted to take a break from any handholding sessions and Live Trading sessions in the month of October. My reason being that during that month, I would want to concentrate on my trades as October tends to be a very exciting month in a bear market.

But due to requests from the current batch of handholding sessions, I am conducting 4 Live Trading sessions in this month of October. What a month it have been. The market is extremely hot and volatile.

As I mentioned to the participants in my Live Trading sessions, even if we do not trade, we should watch the market. Look out for patterns and learn from it. The market patterns always repeat itself. A similar type of bear market will repeat itself in about 10-12 years again. Great amount of money will change hands again. Even the experience hands can get killed if they are too over-confident. Risk management is key to not only surviving in the market but do well in the market.

PersianCat (Millionaire-in-progress)

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